Are powers to inspect accepted in Image File Wrapper (IFW) patent applications?

No, powers to inspect are not accepted in Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications. IFW applications are available through the Private Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system, and pro se applicants and attorneys of record have direct access to the IFW through Private PAIR when:

  • A Customer Number is associated with the correspondence address for the application, and
  • The applicant or attorney has access to Private PAIR for the customer number

In addition, IFW application files of published applications or patents are available at least through Patent Center. If an applicant, inventor, assignee, or attorney/agent of record cannot view an IFW application through Private PAIR or Patent Center, then a copy of the application must be purchased from the Patent and Trademark Copy Fulfillment Branch of the Public Records Division.

Topics: MPEP 104-Power to Inspect Application, Patent Law
Tags: IFW system, image file wrapper, Patent Center, power to inspect, Private PAIR