How are black and white line drawings stored in patent applications?

Black and white line drawings are handled differently depending on the type of application: For provisional applications, nonprovisional utility patent applications, international applications (PCT), national stage applications, and reexamination proceedings for utility patents, they are converted into TIFF images and stored in IFW (Image File Wrapper). For design applications, including reissue design patent applications, international…

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Can I use color drawings in my patent application?

Can I use color drawings in my patent application? Yes, you can use color drawings in your patent application, but they require special approval. According to MPEP 608.02: ‘Color drawings are permitted in design applications. Where a design application contains color drawings, the application must include the number of sets of color drawings required by…

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Can a CPA be filed for utility or plant applications?

No, Continued Prosecution Applications (CPAs) cannot be filed for utility or plant applications. The MPEP clearly states: Effective July 14, 2003, continued prosecution application (CPA) practice was eliminated as to utility and plant applications. For utility and plant applications, applicants should consider filing a request for continued examination (RCE) under 37 CFR 1.114 or a…

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What is a utility patent application?

A utility patent application is filed under 35 U.S.C. 101 for “a new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof”. Utility patent applications are sometimes referred to as “utility” patent applications when being contrasted with plant or design patent applications. The MPEP states: “The first type…

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