How does the USPTO handle conflicting affidavits or declarations in patent applications?

The USPTO has specific procedures for handling conflicting affidavits or declarations in patent applications. According to MPEP 716: ‘Where the examiner has specific knowledge of the existence of a particular reference or references which indicate nonpatentability of the applicant’s claims, he or she may use his or her knowledge in rejecting the claims without citing…

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What is the File Ordering System (FOS) and how is it used?

The File Ordering System (FOS) is a system used by patent examiners to order patented and abandoned paper files or artifact folders. MPEP 711.04(b) states: “To place such an order, the system requires a delivery organization (i.e. the examiner’s art unit), employee number, and patent number(s) and/or application number(s) of the file(s) that are needed.”…

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How does the USPTO handle expedited processing of amendments after final rejection?

The USPTO has established an expedited processing procedure for amendments and replies filed under 37 CFR 1.116 after final rejection. To use this procedure: For electronic filings (EFS-Web), describe the document as an “amendment after final rejection” For paper filings, mark the upper right portion of the amendment with “Reply under 37 CFR 1.116 —…

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How does the USPTO ensure consistency in patent examination when dealing with previously allowed claims?

The USPTO has established guidelines to ensure consistency in patent examination, especially when dealing with previously allowed claims. According to MPEP 706.04, several measures are in place: Full Faith and Credit Principle: “Full faith and credit should be given to the search and action of a previous examiner unless there is a clear error in…

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