What types of documents can be recorded in the USPTO assignment database?

What types of documents can be recorded in the USPTO assignment database? The USPTO assignment database accepts various types of documents related to patent ownership and interests. According to MPEP 302, recordable documents include: Assignments of patent rights Security interests (e.g., liens, mortgages) Licenses Releases Certificates of name changes Mergers Other documents affecting title to…

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What is PALM in the context of patent examination?

PALM stands for Patent Application Locator and Monitoring system. While MPEP 303 doesn’t provide a definition, it mentions PALM in the context of assignment information: “…it is necessary for the examiner to obtain assignment information from PALM.” (MPEP 303) PALM is an internal USPTO database system used by patent examiners to access and track information…

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What is a title report in patent law?

A title report in patent law is a form used by the Assignment Division of the USPTO to report the name of the owner of an application or patent as shown by their records on a specific date. According to the MPEP: The “title report” is a form which can be used under certain circumstances…

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What types of documents can be recorded in the USPTO besides assignments?

In addition to assignments, the USPTO will record various other documents relating to interests in patent applications and patents upon request. These include: License agreements Security interest agreements Other documents affecting title to applications, patents, and registrations As stated in the MPEP, “Other documents affecting title to applications, patents, and registrations will be recorded as…

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What can I do if the USPTO refuses to record a document I believe should be recorded?

If the USPTO returns a document unrecorded and you believe it represents an unusual case that justifies recordation, you have the option to petition for its recordation. The MPEP provides the following guidance: “Any document returned unrecorded, which the sender nevertheless believes represents an unusual case which justifies recordation, may be submitted to the Office…

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How does the USPTO handle assignment records for division and continuation applications?

While a prior assignment recorded against an original application is automatically effective for division and continuation applications, the USPTO does not automatically update its assignment records for these new applications. As stated in MPEP 306: Although the assignment recorded against an original application is applied to the division or continuation application, the Office’s assignment records…

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What is the role of the Assignment Division in patent document handling?

The Assignment Division plays a crucial role in handling patent assignment documents. According to MPEP 318: “Assignment documents submitted for recording should not be placed directly in application or patent files, but should be forwarded to Assignment Division for recording.” The Assignment Division’s responsibilities include: Receiving assignment documents for patents and patent applications Recording these…

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