How are plant patent application publications classified?

Plant patent application publications are classified using a primary classification and may also receive secondary classifications. The MPEP provides the following guidance: “Plant patent application publications are given a primary classification (equivalent to an original classification), and may also be given a secondary classification (equivalent to a cross reference). While there may be only one…

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How are design and plant applications classified at allowance?

Design and plant applications are classified differently from utility applications at allowance. According to the MPEP, Only U.S. design and plant patents and U.S. plant patent application publications continue to receive classifications within the USPC. The primary examiner is responsible for reviewing the original classification and cross-referencing on the Issue Classification sheet. The MPEP states:…

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What information is included in the classification of a plant patent application publication?

The classification of a plant patent application publication includes several elements, as outlined in the MPEP: A primary classification (mandatory) Secondary classifications (optional) International classification(s) Selection of a figure for publication (if applicable) The MPEP states: “Applications are classified by giving each application at least a primary classification and an international classification. The suggested international…

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