How do I correct a typographical error on a recorded cover sheet for a patent assignment?

To correct a typographical error on a recorded cover sheet for a patent assignment, you need to submit the following to the Assignment Services Division: A copy of the originally recorded assignment document (or other document affecting title) A corrected cover sheet The required fee for each application or patent to be corrected Additionally, it’s…

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What fees are required to correct a typographical error on a patent assignment cover sheet?

To correct a typographical error on a patent assignment cover sheet, you must pay the required fee for each application or patent that needs correction. According to MPEP 323.01(a): “The party requesting correction should submit… (C) the required fee for each application or patent to be corrected (37 CFR 3.41).” The specific fee amount is…

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What is the legal basis for correcting typographical errors in recorded assignment documents?

The legal basis for correcting typographical errors in recorded assignment documents is primarily found in the Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Specifically: MPEP 323.01(b) outlines the procedures for correcting such errors. 37 CFR 3.41 provides the regulatory basis for the fees associated with these corrections. Additionally, case…

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