How is the sequence of examination determined in Patentability Report cases?

The sequence of examination in Patentability Report (P.R.) cases is determined through collaboration between supervisory patent examiners. According to MPEP 705.01(b): “In the event that the supervisory patent examiners concerned in a P.R. case cannot agree as to the order of examination by their Technology Centers (TCs), the supervisory patent examiner having jurisdiction of the…

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What is the role of reminders in the Patentability Report process?

Reminders play an important role in ensuring the timely completion of Patentability Reports (P.R.s). According to MPEP 705.01(c), To ensure orderly progress in the reported dates, a timely reminder should be furnished to the TC making the P.R. This procedure helps maintain efficiency in the patent examination process by prompting the reporting Technology Center (TC)…

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