How does the Official Gazette notice indicate changes to the specification or drawing in an inter partes reexamination?

The Official Gazette notice for an inter partes reexamination certificate provides information about changes to the specification or drawing of the reexamined patent. As stated in MPEP 2691: “Additionally, a representative claim will be published along with an indication of any changes to the specification or drawing.” This indication serves to alert interested parties about…

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Can examiners make changes to the specification without an examiner’s amendment?

Examiners are generally not permitted to make changes to the specification without an examiner’s amendment. The MPEP 1302.04 states: “No examiner’s amendment may make substantive changes to the written portions of the specification, including the abstract, without first obtaining applicant’s approval.” This restriction ensures that any significant changes to the specification are reviewed and approved…

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What are the options for accepting a patent application as deposited when drawings are missing?

When an applicant chooses to accept a patent application as deposited without all the drawings, they have two main options: File an amendment to remove references to the missing drawings: Submit replacement drawing sheets to renumber the figures consecutively Amend the specification to remove references to omitted drawings and correct figure numbers Ensure compliance with…

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