What is a reissue application?

A reissue application is a type of patent application used to correct defects in an existing, unexpired patent. According to MPEP 201.05, “A reissue application is an application for a patent to take the place of an unexpired patent that is defective.” This process allows patent holders to address errors or omissions in their original…

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How does the AIA’s first-inventor-to-file (FITF) provision affect perfecting foreign priority claims?

The America Invents Act’s (AIA) first-inventor-to-file (FITF) provision has significant implications for perfecting foreign priority claims, especially in cases where the foreign application has a pre-March 16, 2013 filing date. Key points include: If a patent was examined under FITF provisions, but the foreign priority application has a pre-AIA filing date, perfecting the priority claim…

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