Can a reexamination be ordered for claims not specifically requested in the reexamination request?

Generally, the USPTO’s determination in both the order for reexamination and the examination stage will be limited to the claims for which reexamination was specifically requested. However, the Office has the discretion to reexamine any claim for which reexamination has not been requested. The MPEP states: “The decision to reexamine any claim for which reexamination…

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How does the USPTO provide notice for reexamination requests under 35 U.S.C. 302?

The USPTO provides notice for reexamination requests filed under 35 U.S.C. 302 through publication in the Official Gazette. This is particularly important when direct communication with the patent owner is not possible. MPEP 2230 states: “The publication in the Official Gazette of (A) the notice of the filing of a request for reexamination filed under…

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What should a third-party requester do if service of the reexamination request on the patent owner is not possible?

If a third-party requester is unable to serve the reexamination request on the patent owner despite reasonable efforts, they must take specific steps. According to MPEP 2220: “If service was not possible after a reasonable effort to do so, a duplicate copy of the request papers must be supplied to the Office together with a…

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What happens if a reexamination request is submitted to the wrong Technology Center?

If a reexamination request is submitted to the wrong Technology Center (TC), the following procedure applies: The TC Director will return the request papers to the Office of Patent Legal Administration (OPLA). OPLA will forward the request papers to the appropriate TC. The appropriate TC will process the request papers. This procedure is outlined in…

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What is the procedure for handling a reexamination request filed during a pending reexamination?

What is the procedure for handling a reexamination request filed during a pending reexamination? When a reexamination request is filed during a pending reexamination, the following procedure is followed: The new request is assigned to the examiner of the pending reexamination. The examiner determines if a substantial new question of patentability is raised. If a…

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