Can a patent owner or third party requester petition to vacate an order granting reexamination?

Generally, neither the patent owner nor the third party requester can petition to vacate an order granting reexamination based on the substantive determination of a substantial new question of patentability (SNQ) or reasonable likelihood of prevailing (RLP). As stated in MPEP 2646: “A substantive determination by the Director of the Office to institute reexamination pursuant…

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How is an ex parte reexamination ordered under 35 U.S.C. 257?

An ex parte reexamination under 35 U.S.C. 257 is ordered following a supplemental examination proceeding that finds a substantial new question of patentability. The process is as follows: A supplemental examination certificate is issued with reasons for the substantial new question of patentability. The examiner prepares an order for ex parte reexamination. The order may…

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