When is an Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate issued?

An Ex Parte Reexamination Certificate is issued at the conclusion of an ex parte reexamination proceeding. According to MPEP 2288, the certificate is issued: “when the time for appeal has expired or any appeal proceeding has terminated” This means the certificate is issued after all opportunities for challenging the results of the reexamination have been…

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What are the three ways an inter partes reexamination proceeding can be concluded?

According to MPEP 2694, inter partes reexamination proceedings can be concluded in three ways: (A) By bringing the prosecution to an end through denial, vacating, or termination of the reexamination proceeding. (B) By issuing a reexamination certificate under 37 CFR 1.997(b). (C) By merging the reexamination proceeding with a reissue proceeding and granting a reissue…

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What are the four ways ex parte reexamination proceedings can be concluded?

According to MPEP 2294, ex parte reexamination proceedings can be concluded in four ways: Denial of reexamination, vacating the reexamination proceeding, or terminating the reexamination proceeding Issuance of a Reexamination Certificate under 37 CFR 1.570(b) Merging with a reissue proceeding and granting a reissue patent under 37 CFR 1.570(e) Merging with an inter partes reexamination…

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