What types of documents can be recorded in the USPTO besides assignments?

In addition to assignments, the USPTO will record various other documents relating to interests in patent applications and patents upon request. These include: License agreements Security interest agreements Other documents affecting title to applications, patents, and registrations As stated in the MPEP, “Other documents affecting title to applications, patents, and registrations will be recorded as…

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How does the USPTO handle assignment records for division and continuation applications?

While a prior assignment recorded against an original application is automatically effective for division and continuation applications, the USPTO does not automatically update its assignment records for these new applications. As stated in MPEP 306: Although the assignment recorded against an original application is applied to the division or continuation application, the Office’s assignment records…

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How do I correct an error in a recorded assignment document?

To correct an error in a recorded assignment document, you need to submit a ‘corrective document’ to the Assignment Division. This document should include: A copy of the original assignment document with corrections made, initialed, and dated by the party conveying the interest. A new Recordation Form Cover Sheet (form PTO-1595) identifying the submission as…

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How can I record a document for additional patents or applications if it’s already been recorded?

If you want to record a document for additional patents or applications that has already been recorded in the Assignment Division, you must submit a new recordation request. MPEP 315 outlines the required components: A copy of the original document (which may be the previously recorded papers with the reel and frame numbers stamped by…

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What documents can be recorded with the USPTO related to patent assignments?

According to 37 CFR 3.11, the following documents can be recorded with the USPTO related to patent assignments: Assignments of applications, patents, and registrations Other documents relating to interests in patent applications and patents Documents affecting title to applications, patents, or registrations Licenses, assignments, or other interests of the Government in or under patents or…

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