What is routine optimization in patent law?

Routine optimization refers to the process of finding optimal or workable ranges through routine experimentation. According to MPEP 2144.05: “[W]here the general conditions of a claim are disclosed in the prior art, it is not inventive to discover the optimum or workable ranges by routine experimentation.” This principle is based on the case In re…

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How does criticality affect anticipation of ranges?

Criticality can play a significant role in determining whether a prior art range anticipates a claimed range, especially when the ranges overlap or are close. If an applicant can demonstrate that the claimed range is critical to the invention’s function or produces unexpected results, it may overcome an anticipation rejection. The MPEP 2131.03 discusses this…

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What is anticipation of ranges in patent law?

Anticipation of ranges in patent law refers to situations where a prior art reference discloses a range that overlaps with or includes the range claimed in a patent application. According to MPEP 2131.03, a claim can be anticipated if the prior art discloses a specific example within the claimed range or if it teaches a…

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