How can the public access patent ownership information?

While the public cannot request title reports directly, they can obtain patent ownership information through other means. The MPEP notes: The public can request a certified abstract of title. The fee for this service is set forth at 37 CFR 1.19(b)(4). Additionally, some assignment records are publicly available. For more information on accessible records, refer…

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Can I access a pending unpublished patent application?

Access to pending unpublished patent applications is generally restricted. However, according to 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(v) and (vi), there are some circumstances where a copy of the file contents or the application as originally filed may be provided: If the benefit of the application is claimed under 35 U.S.C. 119(e), 120, 121, 365(c), or 386(c) in…

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How can I access an unpublished abandoned patent application?

Access to unpublished abandoned patent applications is limited. According to 37 CFR 1.14(a)(1)(iv), the file contents of an unpublished abandoned application may be made available to the public if: The application is identified in a U.S. patent, statutory invention registration, U.S. patent application publication, international publication of an international application, or publication of an international…

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What are the exceptions to public access of patent application files?

While most patent application files are available for public inspection, there are some exceptions: Pending or abandoned applications that have not been published Applications subject to secrecy orders Certain international applications Applications for which the United States is not a designated country Information that would violate personal privacy or proprietary rights These exceptions help protect…

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What is the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system and how does it affect public access to patent applications?

The Image File Wrapper (IFW) system is an electronic system used by the USPTO to store and process patent application files. Key points about the IFW system and its impact on public access include: Paper components of application files are scanned to create electronic image files For IFW applications, the electronic file is the Official…

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When are patent application records available to the public?

Patent application records may be available to the public in the following situations: Patented applications and statutory invention registrations Published abandoned applications Published pending applications Unpublished abandoned applications that are identified or relied upon Unpublished pending applications whose benefit is claimed Unpublished pending applications that are incorporated by reference or otherwise identified For specific details…

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How can I access patent assignment records online?

Patent assignment records can be accessed online through the USPTO’s Assignment Search database. The MPEP states: Assignment records that affect the title of patents and patent applications are recorded in the USPTO’s Assignment Recordation Branch. To access these records: Visit the USPTO Assignment Search website Enter the relevant patent or application number, assignee name, or…

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Are assignment records for pending patent applications publicly available?

The accessibility of assignment records for pending patent applications depends on whether the application has been published. According to MPEP 301.01: For published patent applications, assignment records are publicly available. For unpublished pending applications, assignment records are not open to public inspection. The MPEP states: “Documents relating only to one or more pending applications for…

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