Why are ex parte communications prohibited in patent interferences?

Ex parte communications are prohibited in patent interferences to maintain the fairness and integrity of the proceedings. The MPEP 2307.01 explains: “Since an interference involves two or more parties, the integrity of the process requires the opportunity for the opposing party to participate in communications or actions regarding any involved application or patent.” This prohibition…

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What additional documents must patent examiners review in related PTAB post-grant proceedings?

Patent examiners are required to review specific documents related to PTAB (Patent Trial and Appeal Board) post-grant proceedings. The MPEP states: The examiner must also review the file wrapper history and prior art contained in certain proceedings and specific documents in related PTAB post-grant proceedings. This requirement ensures that examiners consider relevant information from PTAB…

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What authority does the Chief Administrative Patent Judge have regarding time extensions in PTAB proceedings?

The Chief Administrative Patent Judge has authority to grant time extensions in various Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) proceedings. According to MPEP 1002.02(f), this authority includes: Granting extensions of pendency for up to six months in inter partes or post-grant review proceedings Handling petitions for time extensions for seeking rehearing in ex parte appeals…

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