What is the process for a patentee to alert an examiner about potentially interfering claims?

According to MPEP 2304.03, a patentee can alert an examiner about potentially interfering claims in an application, but this process is limited: “A patentee may, however, to the limited extent permitted under 37 CFR 1.291, alert an examiner to the existence of interfering claims in an application.” The process involves: Submitting a protest under 37…

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What happens to incomplete protests or those that don’t comply with regulations?

Incomplete protests or those that don’t comply with regulations are not accepted by the Patent Office. The MPEP 1901.07(a) states: “Under 37 CFR 1.291(d), protestor participation ends with the filing of the protest, and protestor will not be allowed to complete any protest that is incomplete.” Furthermore, for second or subsequent protests that do not…

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