What is ‘swearing behind’ a reference?

‘Swearing behind’ a reference refers to the process of filing an affidavit or declaration under 37 CFR 1.131(a) to overcome a rejection in certain patent applications. This process allows an applicant or patent owner to establish a date of completion of the invention prior to the effective date of a reference used in a rejection.…

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How does the USPTO handle prior art rejections when the reference names a different inventive entity with at least one common inventor?

When the USPTO handles prior art rejections where the reference names a different inventive entity with at least one common inventor, the following process is typically followed: The examiner will treat the reference as prior art under pre-AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(e), (f), or (g). The applicant can overcome this rejection by filing an affidavit or…

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How does the USPTO handle prior art references with both operable and inoperable features?

How does the USPTO handle prior art references with both operable and inoperable features? The USPTO has a specific approach to handling prior art references that contain both operable and inoperable features. According to MPEP 716.07: “Where the affidavit or declaration presented asserts inoperability in features of the reference which are not relied upon, the…

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How does the USPTO handle prior art submitted by applicants?

The USPTO has specific procedures for handling prior art submitted by applicants. According to MPEP 707.05(b), “Prior art submitted by applicant in the manner provided in MPEP ยง 609 will not be supplied with an Office action.” This means that while the examiner will consider the submitted prior art during the examination process, they will…

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What constitutes ‘unexpected results’ in patent law?

‘Unexpected results’ in patent law refer to properties or outcomes of an invention that are surprising or unanticipated based on the prior art. The MPEP states: Any differences between the claimed invention and the prior art may be expected to result in some differences in properties. The issue is whether the properties differ to such…

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What types of information can an examiner require under MPEP 704.10?

What types of information can an examiner require under MPEP 704.10? Under MPEP 704.10, an examiner can require various types of information from an applicant. These include: Technical information known to the applicant concerning the invention Commercial information regarding the invention or its development Prior art that may be material to patentability Factual information about…

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