How are prior art submissions handled after an inter partes reexamination order is issued?

Prior art submissions made after an inter partes reexamination order is issued are handled differently than those submitted before the order. According to MPEP 2646: “Any prior art citations under 37 CFR 1.501 submitted after the date of the decision ordering inter partes reexamination are stored until the reexamination is concluded. Note 37 CFR 1.902.…

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Why is it important to serve prior art and Section 301 written statements on the patent owner?

Serving prior art and Section 301 written statements on the patent owner is crucial to maintain transparency and fairness in the patent process. The MPEP explains the reason for this requirement: “…so that the patent owner is kept fully informed as to the content of the patent file wrapper/file history.” This practice ensures that: The…

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