Can a 37 CFR 1.131(a) affidavit be used to overcome all types of prior art references?

No, a 37 CFR 1.131(a) affidavit cannot be used to overcome all types of prior art references. The MPEP 715 outlines specific limitations on the use of these affidavits: U.S. Patents and Applications: Cannot be used against U.S. patents or published applications naming another inventor with an earlier effective filing date. Statutory Bars: Cannot overcome…

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How do ‘intermediate range’ cases affect unexpected results arguments in patents?

‘Intermediate range’ cases present unique challenges when arguing for unexpected results in patent applications. MPEP 716.02(d) provides guidance on this issue: The court has held that unexpected results for a claimed range as compared with the range disclosed in the prior art had been shown by a demonstration of ‘a marked improvement, over the results…

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When is it necessary to inspect previously patented or abandoned application papers?

Inspecting previously patented or abandoned application papers is necessary in certain situations during patent examination. According to MPEP 711.04(b): “In examination of an application it is sometimes necessary to inspect the application papers of a previously patented or abandoned application. It is always necessary to do so in the examination of a reissue application.” This…

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