What is the Customer Number practice in patent applications?

The Customer Number practice allows applicants to: Designate the correspondence address of a patent application or patent Designate the fee address of a patent Submit a list of practitioners who have power of attorney Using a Customer Number allows applicants to easily change the correspondence address, fee address, or list of practitioners for multiple applications…

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How is correspondence handled when two patent practitioners are appointed for the same application?

When two patent practitioners are appointed for the same application: If appointed simultaneously, the applicant should specify which address to use for correspondence. If a second practitioner is added later, correspondence will be sent to the most recently provided correspondence address. A new power of attorney appointing only the second practitioner effectively revokes the power…

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What forms are required for appointing a power of attorney in recent patent applications?

For patent applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, specific forms are required for appointing a power of attorney. The MPEP 601.02 directs applicants to the appropriate section for guidance: “See MPEP § 402.02(a) for detailed information and relevant forms pertaining to appointment of a power of attorney in applications filed on or after…

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What is the difference between a general power of attorney and a limited power of attorney in patent applications?

What is the difference between a general power of attorney and a limited power of attorney in patent applications? In patent applications, there are two main types of power of attorney: general and limited. The MPEP 601.02 distinguishes between these as follows: “A power of attorney may be in the form of a general power…

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