What is a Patentability Report in patent examination?

A Patentability Report (P.R.) is a specialized examination process used by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) when an application contains claims that require expertise from different Technology Centers (TCs). According to MPEP 705.01: “When an application comes up for any action and the primary examiners involved (i.e., from both the requesting and…

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When is a Patentability Report not appropriate in patent examination?

Patentability Reports are not always the most efficient or appropriate method for patent examination. MPEP 705.01(e) outlines situations where Patentability Reports are ordinarily not proper: “Where claims are directed to the same character of invention but differ in scope only, prosecution by Patentability Report is never proper.” Additionally, Patentability Reports are generally not appropriate in…

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How are interviews conducted in cases involving Patentability Reports?

When interviews are held for applications involving Patentability Reports, special considerations apply. According to MPEP 705.01(f): “In situations where an interview is held on an application in which a Patentability Report has been adopted, the reporting Technology Center may be called on for assistance at the interview when it concerns claims treated by them.” Key…

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How is the sequence of examination determined in Patentability Report cases?

The sequence of examination in Patentability Report (P.R.) cases is determined through collaboration between supervisory patent examiners. According to MPEP 705.01(b): “In the event that the supervisory patent examiners concerned in a P.R. case cannot agree as to the order of examination by their Technology Centers (TCs), the supervisory patent examiner having jurisdiction of the…

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