How should pending U.S. patent applications be listed in an IDS?

How should pending U.S. patent applications be listed in an IDS? When listing pending U.S. patent applications in an Information Disclosure Statement (IDS), applicants must provide specific information to ensure proper identification. According to MPEP 609.04(a): “Each U.S. application listed in an information disclosure statement must be identified by the inventor, application number, and filing…

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Can the deadline for submitting corrected drawings be extended in response to a notice of allowability?

No, extensions of time are not permitted for submitting corrected drawings in response to a notice of allowability. The MPEP clearly states: Extensions of time to provide acceptable drawings in response to a notice of allowability are not permitted. This strict policy ensures that the patent granting process is not unnecessarily delayed and encourages applicants…

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What additional requirements are there for delayed priority claims filed more than two years after the due date?

For delayed priority claims filed more than two years after the due date, additional explanation is required. The MPEP states: “A person filing a petition to accept a delayed priority claim more than two years after the date the foreign priority claim was due is required to provide additional explanation of the circumstances surrounding the…

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How are delayed priority claims handled in design applications?

The handling of delayed priority claims in design applications has evolved. The MPEP provides the following information: “Before May 13, 2015, no procedures were established for accepting an unintentionally delayed priority claim in a design application. Effective May 13, 2015, 37 CFR 1.55(e) provides for the filing of a petition for acceptance of an unintentionally…

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How does the USPTO handle foreign language provisional applications in the screening process?

The USPTO has specific procedures for handling foreign language provisional applications during the screening process. According to the MPEP: Provisional applications filed in a foreign language are also screened under these provisions. The Office will make an attempt to determine the subject matter of the application, but the applicant may be required to provide at…

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Can a patent application under secrecy order be appealed?

Can a patent application under secrecy order be appealed? Yes, patent applications under secrecy orders can be appealed, but with certain restrictions. MPEP 120 states: ‘Appeals to the Patent Trial and Appeal Board and petitions to the Director under 37 CFR 1.181 are available to the applicant in secrecy order cases, but those actions will…

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