How does the USPTO notify client-applicants of a patent practitioner’s death?

According to MPEP 406, the USPTO follows a specific procedure to notify client-applicants: ‘The Office of Enrollment and Discipline will notify the client-applicant of the availability of a list of patent practitioners who may be available to represent the client-applicant.’ This notification ensures that the client-applicant is aware of the situation and has resources to…

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What resources does the USPTO provide to client-applicants when their patent practitioner dies?

The USPTO, through its Office of Enrollment and Discipline, provides valuable resources to client-applicants when their patent practitioner dies. The MPEP 406 states: ‘The Office of Enrollment and Discipline will notify the client-applicant of the availability of a list of patent practitioners who may be available to represent the client-applicant.’ This list serves as a…

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Who receives USPTO correspondence after a patent practitioner’s death?

After the USPTO is notified of a patent practitioner’s death, correspondence is sent to two parties: The office of the deceased practitioner The person who originally appointed the deceased patent practitioner This dual notification ensures that both the practitioner’s office and the original appointer are aware of ongoing patent matters and can take appropriate action.

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