How does the USPTO access patent family information?

The USPTO accesses patent family information through various databases and tools. According to MPEP 901.07: “Examiners can retrieve patent family information using the USPTO’s automated search tools…” These tools include: EAST (Examiner’s Automated Search Tool) WEST (Web-Based Examiner Search Tool) Global Dossier These systems provide access to patent family data from various sources, including foreign…

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How does patent family information assist in prior art searches?

Patent family information plays a crucial role in assisting examiners with prior art searches. While MPEP 901.07 doesn’t explicitly detail this process, it’s understood that patent family information helps in several ways: Expanded Search Scope: By identifying related documents in different jurisdictions, examiners can broaden their search for relevant prior art. Language Barriers: Patent family…

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What is the Common Citation Document website and how do examiners use it?

The Common Citation Document website is a resource available to USPTO patent examiners for obtaining patent family information. According to MPEP 901.07: Additionally, Examiners may utilize the Common Citation Document website accessible through the Examiner’s Toolkit to obtain patent family information. This tool is part of the Examiner’s Toolkit, which provides various resources to assist…

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