How should examiners handle newly discovered references after allowance?

How should examiners handle newly discovered references after allowance? Examiners have specific procedures for handling newly discovered references after a patent application has been allowed. According to MPEP 707.05: ‘Where patents, publications, and other such items of information are submitted by a party (whether the applicant or an independent third party) after the mailing date…

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How should examiners handle multiple dependent claims in patent applications?

How should examiners handle multiple dependent claims in patent applications? When dealing with multiple dependent claims in patent applications, examiners must follow specific guidelines. The MPEP 707.07(i) states: ‘When examining an application with multiple dependent claims, the examiner should make certain that each multiple dependent claim is proper.’ Examiners are instructed to: Ensure that multiple…

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How should examiners handle information submitted beyond the scope of a 37 CFR 1.105 requirement?

When applicants submit information that goes beyond the scope of a 37 CFR 1.105 requirement, examiners have specific guidelines to follow. The MPEP provides clear instruction: “Information that is beyond the scope of a 37 CFR 1.105 requirement, submitted along with information responding to a requirement under 37 CFR 1.105, need not be considered unless…

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How should examiners handle improper requests for interviews in patent applications?

How should examiners handle improper requests for interviews in patent applications? Examiners must handle improper requests for interviews in patent applications according to specific guidelines. The MPEP 713.01 states: “An interview should not be granted in the following situations: (A) Prior to the first Office action, except when permitted by supervisory personnel for an applicant…

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