What is the process for rejecting previously allowed claims in patent examination?

The process for rejecting previously allowed claims involves the following steps: The examiner must obtain approval from the supervisory patent examiner (SPE) before rejecting a previously allowed claim. The examiner should clearly explain the reasons for the rejection in the Office action. The applicant must be given a non-final Office action with a new ground…

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What types of objective evidence are considered probative in patent examination?

Objective evidence that can be considered probative in patent examination includes: Unexpected results Commercial success Solution of a long-felt need Inoperability of the prior art Invention before the date of the reference Allegations of derivation of the disclosed subject matter from the inventor However, it’s important to note that “Objective evidence which must be factually…

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What should patent examiners do when they find patentable subject matter in a pro se application?

When a patent examiner finds patentable subject matter in a pro se application (filed by an inventor without legal representation), they should take proactive steps to assist the applicant. According to MPEP 707.07(j): When, during the examination of a pro se application it becomes apparent to the examiner that there is patentable subject matter disclosed…

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What is the primary goal of patent examination?

The primary goal of patent examination is to thoroughly review and analyze the patent application in light of prior art and clearly articulate any rejections early in the prosecution process. As stated in the MPEP: “The goal of examination is to clearly articulate any rejection early in the prosecution process so that the applicant has…

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What is the role of a primary examiner in reviewing a new assistant’s work?

The primary examiner plays a crucial role in reviewing the work of a new assistant examiner. According to MPEP 707.01, “it is the duty of the primary examiner to review the application thoroughly.” This involves: Listening to the assistant examiner’s explanation of the invention Discussing the most pertinent references found during the search Providing guidance…

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