Can applicants request paragraph numbering in office actions if it’s not provided?

While MPEP 707.07(k) recommends paragraph numbering as good practice, it does not explicitly address whether applicants can request it. The MPEP states: It is good practice to number the paragraphs of the Office action consecutively. If an office action is received without paragraph numbering, applicants may consider: Informally requesting the examiner to use paragraph numbering…

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What is the purpose of repeating or referring to prior actions in patent office communications?

MPEP 707.07(e) emphasizes the importance of repeating or referring to prior actions in patent office communications. The section states: “Every point in the prior action of an examiner which is still applicable must be repeated or referred to, to prevent the implied waiver of the requirement.” The purpose of this practice is to ensure that…

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Can examiners remove papers from the patent file wrapper?

Can examiners remove papers from the patent file wrapper? No, examiners are not permitted to remove papers from the patent file wrapper. The MPEP 724.01 clearly states: ‘No paper legally entered in the application file should be permanently removed from the file wrapper.’ This rule ensures the integrity and completeness of the patent record. If…

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