What is the standard time for reply to a final rejection?

The standard time for reply to a final rejection is typically a 3-month shortened statutory period (SSP). However, the MPEP states that “All final rejections setting a 3-month shortened statutory period (SSP) for reply should contain one of form paragraphs 7.39, 7.40, 7.40.01, 7.40.02.fti, 7.40.02.aia, 7.41, 7.41.03, 7.42.03.fti, 7.42.031.fti, or 7.42.09 advising applicant that if…

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What is the threshold for requiring information under 37 CFR 1.105?

The threshold for requiring information under 37 CFR 1.105 is based on ‘reasonable necessity’ for the examination of the application. The MPEP clarifies: “This threshold is substantially higher than that for requiring information under 37 CFR 1.105, which is reasonable necessity to the examination of the application.” This means that an examiner may request information…

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What is the role of Technology Center Directors in the patent examination process?

Technology Center Directors play a crucial role in the patent examination process, particularly in reviewing certain decisions made by examiners. According to MPEP 715.08: Such petitions are answered by the Technology Center Directors (MPEP § 1002.02(c)). Specifically, Technology Center Directors are responsible for answering petitions filed under 37 CFR 1.181 that review an examiner’s decision…

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When is Technology Center Director approval required for rejecting claims copied from a patent?

Technology Center Director approval is required when rejecting claims copied from a patent if the ground of rejection is also applicable to the corresponding claims in the patent. MPEP 706.06 states: “If the ground of rejection is also applicable to the corresponding claims in the patent, any Office action including the rejection must have the…

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