Can information favorable to patentability be submitted under MPEP § 724.02?

No, information favorable to patentability should not be submitted under MPEP § 724.02. The MPEP clearly states: Neither 37 CFR 1.56 nor 1.555 require the disclosure of information favorable to patentability, e.g., evidence of commercial success of the invention (see 42 FR 5590). Such information should not be submitted in accordance with MPEP § 724.02.…

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What is the difference between factual evidence and opinion evidence in patent examination?

What is the difference between factual evidence and opinion evidence in patent examination? In patent examination, the distinction between factual evidence and opinion evidence is crucial. The MPEP 716.01(c) provides guidance on this matter: The arguments of counsel cannot take the place of evidence in the record. In re Schulze, 346 F.2d 600, 602, 145…

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What factors can undermine evidence of commercial success in patent applications?

Several factors can undermine evidence of commercial success in patent applications. According to MPEP 716.03(b), these factors include: Heavy promotion or advertising Shift in advertising Consumption by purchasers normally tied to the applicant or assignee Other business events extraneous to the merits of the claimed invention Recent changes in related technology or consumer demand The…

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What factors are considered for making a requirement for information prior to the first action on the merits?

According to MPEP 704.11(b), several factors are considered when determining the appropriateness of a separate requirement for information prior to the first action on the merits. These include: Whether the claimed subject matter is in a newly established art area without a well-developed prior art resource pool Whether the applicant submitted an Information Disclosure Statement…

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What are ‘extraordinary circumstances’ for using Patentability Reports?

The Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP) § 705 emphasizes that Patentability Reports should only be used in extraordinary circumstances. While the MPEP doesn’t provide an exhaustive list of what constitutes ‘extraordinary circumstances,’ we can infer from the context that these may include: Applications with claims spanning multiple, distinctly different technology areas Cases where the…

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