How should conventional features be illustrated in patent drawings?

According to MPEP 608.02(d), conventional features in patent drawings should be illustrated as follows: Use graphical drawing symbols Use labeled representations (e.g., a labeled rectangular box) The MPEP states: However, conventional features disclosed in the description and claims, where their detailed illustration is not essential for a proper understanding of the invention, should be illustrated…

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How should improvements on existing inventions be illustrated in patent drawings?

When illustrating improvements on existing inventions, patent drawings should follow specific guidelines as outlined in MPEP 608.02(d): Show the improved portion disconnected from the old structure In a separate view, show only enough of the old structure to demonstrate the connection with the improvement The MPEP cites 37 CFR 1.83(b): When the invention consists of…

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What happens if drawings submitted in a patent application are marked as ‘informal’?

If drawings submitted in a patent application are marked as ‘informal’ but are considered acceptable by the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP), the examiner will not require replacement of the drawings. As stated in the MPEP: If the drawings submitted in an application have been indicated by the applicant as “informal,” but the drawings…

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