What is a reissue application?

A reissue application is a type of patent application used to correct defects in an existing, unexpired patent. According to MPEP 201.05, “A reissue application is an application for a patent to take the place of an unexpired patent that is defective.” This process allows patent holders to address errors or omissions in their original…

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What happens if there’s an error in the patent grant?

What happens if there’s an error in the patent grant? Errors in patent grants are addressed through a specific process outlined in MPEP 308. The manual states: “If the Office discovers that an error exists in the patent grant, the patentee will be notified and required to submit a request for a certificate of correction.”…

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What is a reissue patent application?

What is a reissue patent application? A reissue patent application is a request to correct an error in an already issued patent that renders the patent wholly or partly inoperative or invalid. As stated in MPEP 201: An application for reissue is an application for a new patent to replace an unexpired patent that is…

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What is a reissue application and when is it used?

A reissue application is a type of application used to correct an error in an issued patent that renders the patent wholly or partly inoperative or invalid. It is governed by 35 U.S.C. 251 and 37 CFR 1.171-1.179. Reissue applications are typically filed when the original patent claims are too narrow or too broad, or…

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