What is the effect of recording a document at the USPTO?

Recording a document at the USPTO has the following effects: It does not determine the validity of the document or its effect on title. The Office may determine a document’s effect when necessary for Office proceedings. Conditional assignments are treated as absolute assignments until canceled. Recording provides protection against subsequent purchasers without notice. 37 CFR…

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How does the USPTO handle errors in the execution of an original assignment document?

When errors are made in the execution of an original assignment document, the USPTO allows for the submission of a ‘substitute statement’ to correct these errors. According to MPEP 323: “Where errors were made in the execution of the original assignment document … a ‘substitute statement’ may be submitted for recordation.” The process involves: Preparing…

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What evidence is needed to support a petition to expunge an improper assignment?

To support a petition to expunge an improperly recorded assignment, you should provide evidence that clearly demonstrates the assignment is incorrect. This may include: Affidavits or declarations from relevant parties Documentation showing true ownership Evidence of fraud or mistake in the recording MPEP 323.01(c) states: ‘The petition should be accompanied by clear and convincing evidence…

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Are there any exceptions to the USPTO’s English translation requirement for assignments?

Based on the information provided in MPEP 302.02, there are no exceptions to the USPTO’s English translation requirement for assignments. The MPEP states unequivocally: The Office will accept and record non-English language documents only if accompanied by an English translation signed by the individual making the translation. This requirement applies to all non-English assignment documents…

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What fees are required to correct a typographical error on a patent assignment cover sheet?

To correct a typographical error on a patent assignment cover sheet, you must pay the required fee for each application or patent that needs correction. According to MPEP 323.01(a): “The party requesting correction should submit… (C) the required fee for each application or patent to be corrected (37 CFR 3.41).” The specific fee amount is…

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