What are the fees for recording a patent assignment?

The fees for recording a patent assignment depend on the submission method: Electronic submission via EPAS (Electronic Patent Assignment System): $0 Paper or facsimile submission: See current fee schedule As stated in MPEP 302.06: “If the request to record a document is submitted electronically, the fee is set forth in 37 CFR 1.21(h)(1), currently at…

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What is the difference in assignment between division/continuation and substitute/CIP applications?

The key difference in assignment between division/continuation applications and substitute/continuation-in-part (CIP) applications lies in how prior assignments are applied: Division/Continuation Applications: Prior assignments recorded against the original application automatically apply to these applications. As stated in MPEP 306: In the case of a division or continuation application, a prior assignment recorded against the original application…

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What is patent ownership according to 35 U.S.C. 261?

According to 35 U.S.C. 261, patents have the attributes of personal property and are assignable by an instrument in writing. Specifically, the statute states: ‘Subject to the provisions of this title, patents shall have the attributes of personal property. […] Applications for patent, patents, or any interest therein, shall be assignable in law by an…

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What is the difference between an assignment and a license in patent law?

The MPEP distinguishes between assignments and licenses in patent law: Assignment: ‘An assignment of a patent, or patent application, is the transfer to another of a party’s entire ownership interest or a percentage of that party’s ownership interest in the patent or application.’ License: ‘As compared to assignment of patent rights, the licensing of a…

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What happens to documents submitted for recording at the USPTO Assignment Division?

Documents and cover sheets submitted for recording at the USPTO Assignment Division are examined for formal requirements. The process is as follows: Documents that meet the requirements are recorded. Documents that do not meet the requirements are returned to the sender with an explanation. If the sender disagrees with the rejection, they can petition the…

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Do substitute and continuation-in-part applications require new assignments?

Yes, substitute and continuation-in-part (CIP) applications generally require new assignments. As stated in MPEP 306: In the case of a substitute or continuation-in-part application, a prior assignment of the original application is not applied (effective) to the substitute or continuation-in-part application because the assignment recorded against the original application gives the assignee rights to only…

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