What does copendency mean in patent applications?

Copendency refers to the requirement that two related patent applications must be pending at the same time for one to claim the benefit of the earlier filing date of the other. The MPEP states: Copendency between the current application and the prior application is required. This means that the later application must be filed before…

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Do certified copies of patent applications include assignment information?

No, certified copies of patent applications as filed do not include an indication of assignment documents. According to the MPEP 303, “Certified copies of patent applications as filed do not include an indication of assignment documents.” This means that the initial certified copy of a patent application does not contain information about any assignments that…

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What statement must be included in patent applications for inventions made with government support?

For inventions made with government support, contractors must include a specific statement at the beginning of the patent application and any resulting patents. This requirement is mandated by 35 U.S.C. 202(c)(6). The statement should read: “This invention was made with government support under (identify the contract) awarded by (identify the Federal agency). The government has…

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What are the main types of patent applications mentioned in MPEP 201?

The MPEP 201 outlines several main types of patent applications: Nonprovisional applications for patent Provisional applications for patent International applications Design applications Plant applications Reissue applications Divisional applications Continuation applications Continuation-in-part applications Each type serves a specific purpose in the patent application process and has its own requirements and procedures. For more information on divisional,…

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How do benefit claims work with CPAs?

Benefit claims in Continued Prosecution Applications (CPAs) have some unique characteristics: A CPA automatically includes a specific reference under 35 U.S.C. 120 to the prior application No additional amendment to the specification or application data sheet is required to claim benefit A CPA is considered to reference every application in the chain with the same…

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