Is MPEP 409.03(g) applicable to all patent applications?

No, MPEP 409.03(g) is not applicable to all patent applications. As stated in the editor’s note at the beginning of the section: This MPEP section is not applicable to applications filed on or after September 16, 2012. This means that the guidance provided in MPEP 409.03(g) regarding proof of irreparable damage only applies to patent…

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Are assignment records for pending patent applications publicly available?

The accessibility of assignment records for pending patent applications depends on whether the application has been published. According to MPEP 301.01: For published patent applications, assignment records are publicly available. For unpublished pending applications, assignment records are not open to public inspection. The MPEP states: “Documents relating only to one or more pending applications for…

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Are photographs allowed in patent applications?

Photographs are generally not permitted in utility and design patent applications, but exceptions exist. According to MPEP 608.01(f): Photographs, including photocopies of photographs, are not ordinarily permitted in utility and design patent applications. The Office will accept photographs in utility and design patent applications, however, if photographs are the only practicable medium for illustrating the…

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What is the priority document exchange program for patent applications?

The priority document exchange program is a system that allows participating patent offices to exchange priority documents electronically. According to MPEP 215.02(a): “Applicants may use the priority document exchange program to obtain a copy of a foreign application filed in a participating foreign intellectual property office.” This program simplifies the process of obtaining priority documents…

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What is the significance of the ‘acting in a representative capacity’ requirement in patent applications?

What is the significance of the ‘acting in a representative capacity’ requirement in patent applications? The ‘acting in a representative capacity’ requirement is crucial in patent applications as it ensures that only authorized individuals can represent applicants or patent owners before the USPTO. According to MPEP 402.04, “Any paper presented to the United States Patent…

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What is the process for submitting a biological sequence listing for a patent application filed on or after July 1, 2022?

For patent applications filed on or after July 1, 2022, the process for submitting biological sequence listings is as follows: Prepare a “Sequence Listing XML” as an XML file. Ensure the file complies with 37 CFR 1.831 – 1.834. Submit the file via the USPTO patent electronic filing system or on a read-only optical disc.…

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