What factors can potentially negate evidence of commercial success in patent applications?

Several factors can potentially negate or weaken evidence of commercial success in patent applications. The MPEP mentions: Heavy promotion or advertising Shift in advertising Consumption by purchasers normally tied to applicant or assignee Other business events extraneous to the merits of the claimed invention As stated in the MPEP: In considering evidence of commercial success,…

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How does the USPTO handle extensions of time in accelerated examination?

How does the USPTO handle extensions of time in accelerated examination? The USPTO has specific guidelines for handling extensions of time in accelerated examination: Extensions of time under 37 CFR 1.136(a) are not permitted in accelerated examination. Extensions of time under 37 CFR 1.136(b) may be authorized in limited circumstances. Any request for an extension…

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Can documents be expunged from a patent application file?

Yes, under certain circumstances, documents can be expunged from a patent application file. According to MPEP 719.01: 37 CFR 1.59 provides that certain documents may be expunged if they were unintentionally submitted or contain proprietary information which has not been made public and is not important to a decision of patentability. However, this is an…

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