How can I access patent application files that are not yet published?

Access to unpublished patent application files is generally restricted. According to MPEP 103: ‘Unpublished abandoned applications are not open to public inspection.’ However, there are exceptions: If the application is referenced in a U.S. patent application publication or patent If written authority from the applicant, assignee, or attorney/agent of record is provided If a petition…

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How are powers to inspect handled in Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications?

For Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications, the process of granting power to inspect is different. According to MPEP 104: “Powers to inspect are not accepted in Image File Wrapper (IFW) applications. IFW applications are available through the Private Patent Application Information Retrieval (PAIR) system, and pro se applicants and attorneys of record have direct access…

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How is access to patent applications granted to unregistered individuals?

Access to patent applications for unregistered individuals is granted through a specific process outlined in MPEP 104: “Unregistered employees of attorneys or agents, public stenographers, and all other persons not within the provisions of paragraphs (A) and (B) above will be given access only upon presentation of a written authorization for access (power to inspect)…

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What rights does an assignee of the entire interest in a patent application have regarding inspection?

An assignee of the entire interest in a patent application has broader rights regarding inspection compared to a part interest assignee. According to MPEP 106.01, an assignee of the entire interest may inspect the application file wrapper and be granted access to the subject matter of the application. This is because they have acquired all…

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