What actions can be taken if a patent application contains national security markings but no Secrecy Order?

If an examiner comes across a patent application that contains national security markings but does not have a Secrecy Order imposed, MPEP 130 instructs that “the examiner should require the applicant to seek imposition of a Secrecy Order or authority to cancel the markings.” This should be done preferably with the first office action and…

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What are the main reasons for patent application abandonment?

According to MPEP 203.05, there are four main reasons for patent application abandonment: Formal abandonment by the applicant or their representative Failure of the applicant to take appropriate action during prosecution Failure to pay the issue fee For provisional applications, the passage of 12 months from the filing date The MPEP states: An abandoned application…

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What actions must an applicant take to prevent abandonment of a national security classified patent application without a Secrecy Order?

According to 37 CFR 5.1(d), an applicant must take one of three actions to prevent abandonment of a national security classified patent application without a Secrecy Order. The MPEP states: Pursuant to 37 CFR 5.1(d), if no Secrecy Order has issued in a national security classified patent application, the Office will set a time period…

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