What is the process for denying a reexamination request?

The process for denying a reexamination request involves several steps: The examiner prepares a decision explaining why no SNQ/RLP has been established for each cited patent or publication. The examiner sets up a panel review conference to discuss the decision. If the conference confirms the denial, the examiner completes and signs the decision, with conferees…

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What is the process for denying a request for reexamination?

When a request for reexamination is denied, the following process is followed: The examiner prepares a decision denying the reexamination request if no substantial new question of patentability is found. Form paragraph 22.02 is used as the introductory paragraph in the decision. The examiner responds to each argument based on patents or printed publications. A…

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What is the process for preparing an Office action in inter partes reexamination?

The process for preparing an Office action in inter partes reexamination involves several steps and considerations. According to MPEP 2671.01, the process includes: Notification of the examiner upon receipt of a patent owner response (and third party requester comments, if applicable). Preparation for and setting up of a panel review conference (as per MPEP §…

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What is the purpose of a panel review conference in ex parte reexamination?

A panel review conference in ex parte reexamination serves several important purposes: To discuss the issuance of the final Office action To ensure the quality and consistency of the final rejection To provide additional perspectives on the examiner’s decision To confirm or revise the examiner’s preliminary decision to reject and/or allow claims MPEP § 2271…

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