When are new drawings required before examination in a patent application?

New drawings may be required before examination in several situations: When drawings have not been filed, but a drawing will aid in understanding the invention (see MPEP ยง 608.02). When applications appear to be missing drawings (see MPEP ยง 601.01(f) or 601.01(g)). When the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) finds the drawings unacceptable for…

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What is the purpose of OPAP’s drawing review in patent applications?

The Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) performs an initial review of drawings in new utility and plant patent applications to determine whether the drawings can be effectively scanned for publication purposes. As stated in the MPEP: “OPAP inspects the drawings to see if they can be effectively scanned and adequately reproduced.” This review ensures…

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How does the USPTO handle informal drawings in patent applications?

The USPTO handles informal drawings in patent applications as follows: If the drawings are informal but otherwise sufficient for examination, the USPTO will accept them provisionally. The drawings will be approved by the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) for publication purposes. Formal drawings will be required if the application is allowed. According to MPEP…

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What is the purpose of the PTO-948 form in patent applications?

The PTO-948 form, also known as the ‘Drawing Informalities’ form, serves the following purposes in patent applications: It is used by the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) to indicate that the drawings submitted with the application are informal but acceptable for publication purposes. It notifies the examiner that the drawings may need to be…

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What is an application number and how is it assigned?

An application number consists of a series code and a serial number. It is assigned by the Office of Patent Application Processing (OPAP) immediately after mail has been opened. For applications filed using the USPTO patent electronic filing system, EFS-Web provides an Acknowledgement Receipt containing a time and date stamp, application number, and confirmation number.…

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How should patent examiners handle objections to drawings?

Patent examiners should handle objections to drawings as follows: If the examiner makes objections to the drawings, they should require correction in reply to the Office action. The examiner should not permit the objection to be held in abeyance. If drawings are marked as ‘informal’ but considered acceptable by OPAP, the examiner should not require…

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