What are the different work schedules for patent examiners and how are they communicated?

Patent examiners may have different work schedules, which are communicated in their office actions to help applicants understand their availability. The MPEP provides two main form paragraphs for this purpose: Form Paragraph 7.101 for non-5/4/9 schedules Form Paragraph 7.102 for 5/4/9 schedules For example, Form Paragraph 7.102 states: “The examiner can normally be reached on…

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What should patent examiners immediately review when receiving an applicant’s action?

Patent examiners should immediately review actions by applicants, especially those filed near the end of the reply period. According to MPEP 714.05, examiners should: Determine if the action is completely responsive to the preceding Office action Prevent abandonment of the application Notify the applicant of any deficiencies if sufficient time remains The MPEP states: “Actions…

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How are timely submitted affidavits and declarations handled by the patent examiner?

When affidavits or declarations under 37 CFR 1.130 are timely submitted and admitted, the patent examiner is required to acknowledge and comment on them in the next office action. According to MPEP 717.01(f): All admitted affidavits and declarations are acknowledged and commented upon by the examiner in the next succeeding action, and an indication of…

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What is the process for signing and scanning patent examiner actions?

The process for signing and scanning patent examiner actions involves several steps: The assistant examiner (if any) initials the original action. The authorized signatory examiner signs the action. The signed action is soft scanned into the image file wrapper. After scanning, the action is made available electronically or mailed as copies. According to MPEP 707.12:…

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How are patent examiners’ actions delivered to applicants?

Patent examiners’ actions are delivered to applicants through two main methods: Electronic access: Applicants can access the examiner’s action electronically through the USPTO’s electronic filing system. Mailed copies: Physical copies of the examiner’s action are mailed to the applicant. As stated in MPEP 707.12: Access to the examiner’s action is given electronically or copies are…

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Who is responsible for signing patent examiner actions?

Patent examiner actions are signed by two key individuals: Assistant Examiner: Initials the original action (if an assistant examiner is involved). Authorized Signatory Examiner: Signs the action, providing official approval. The MPEP 707.12 states: Access to the examiner’s action is given electronically or copies are mailed after the original, initialed by the assistant examiner, if…

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What are the time limits for responding to a requirement for information in patent applications?

What are the time limits for responding to a requirement for information in patent applications? The time limits for responding to a requirement for information in patent applications are as follows: For non-final Office actions: The response period is typically two months, which may be extended up to six months from the Office action mailing…

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