What is the process for notifying elected Offices of a PCT application’s election?

The process for notifying elected Offices of a PCT application’s election is outlined in MPEP 1881 and PCT Rule 61. The key steps are: The International Bureau (IB) is responsible for notifying elected Offices. The notification includes the application number, filing date, applicant name, priority claim details (if applicable), and the date the International Preliminary…

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What happens if I file a nonpublication request and later decide to file a foreign application?

If you file a nonpublication request and later decide to file a counterpart foreign or international application, you must take one of the following actions: Rescind the nonpublication request before filing the foreign or international application, or Notify the USPTO of the foreign filing no later than 45 days after the filing date of the…

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What is the role of the International Bureau in the PCT election process?

The International Bureau (IB) plays a crucial role in the PCT election process, as outlined in MPEP 1881. Its main responsibilities include: Notifying elected Offices of the demand and elections Sending the notification to elected Offices along with the Article 20 communication Promptly notifying elections made after the initial communication Informing the applicant in writing…

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What is the examiner’s responsibility regarding cancelled claims after a Board decision?

After a Board decision in a patent appeal, the examiner has specific responsibilities regarding cancelled claims. According to MPEP 1214.05, “It is necessary for the examiner to notify the appellant of the cancellation of the withdrawn claims.” This means that if claims are considered withdrawn and subsequently cancelled due to the appellant not presenting them…

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