What is the significance of form paragraph 22.04 in reexamination proceedings?

Form paragraph 22.04 plays a crucial role in reexamination proceedings by setting clear expectations for the patent owner’s response to the examiner’s first action. According to MPEP 2260, this paragraph should be included in the first Office action and states: “In order to ensure full consideration of any amendments, affidavits or declarations, or other documents…

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How does 37 CFR 1.104 apply to reexamination proceedings?

37 CFR 1.104, which outlines the nature of examination, applies to reexamination proceedings in the same way it applies to the examination of patent applications. As stated in MPEP 2260: “As is true in the examination of applications, 37 CFR 1.104 (Nature of examination) applies to the examination of reexamination proceedings.” This means that the…

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