What is the purpose of requiring a rewritten specification in patent applications?

The primary purpose of requiring a rewritten specification is to ensure clarity and prevent confusion during the patent issue and printing processes. The MPEP 1302.02 states: “Whenever interlineations or cancellations have been made in the specification or amendments which would lead to confusion and mistake, the examiner should require the entire portion of specification affected…

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What should patent examiners include in their request for a rewritten specification?

When requesting a rewritten specification, patent examiners should provide specific details about the sections that need to be rewritten. The MPEP 1302.02 provides guidance in the Examiner Note: “Specific discussion of the sections of the specification or claims required to be rewritten must be set forth.” This means examiners should clearly identify and explain which…

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What is Form Paragraph 13.01 used for in patent examination?

Form Paragraph 13.01 is used by patent examiners to require a rewritten specification when interlineations, cancellations, or amendments could lead to confusion. According to MPEP 1302.02: “Form paragraph 13.01 should be used when making such a requirement.” The form paragraph typically states: “The interlineations or cancellations made in the specification or amendments to the claims…

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