How are materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 treated in reissue applications open to the public?

Materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 in reissue applications open to the public under 37 CFR 1.11(b) are treated as follows: The materials are kept separate from the reissue application file and are not publicly available until a determination is made regarding their materiality to patentability. They will only be released to the public if…

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What types of materials can be submitted under MPEP § 724.02?

MPEP § 724.02 allows for the submission of trade secret, proprietary, and/or protective order materials that are considered ‘material to patentability’. Specifically, the MPEP states: The types of materials or information contemplated for submission under MPEP § 724.02 include information ‘material to patentability’ but does not include information favorable to patentability. This means that any…

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Can protected material be redacted if found material to patentability in a reissue application?

Yes, it is possible to redact protected material found to be material to patentability in a reissue application. The process involves: Identifying the protected material within the submission that is material to patentability. Creating a redacted version that removes the protected information while retaining the important material. Submitting the redacted version to the Office along…

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What is the process for handling submitted materials when a reissue application is being allowed?

When a reissue application containing materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 is being allowed, the following process occurs: Before mailing a notice of allowability, the examiner reviews the reissue application file for any unacted-upon petitions to expunge. The examiner or appropriate Office official determines whether the submitted information is material to patentability. If found material,…

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