What is the difference between pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.42 and pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 in relation to deceased inventors?

Pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.42 and pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.47 serve different purposes in relation to deceased inventors: Pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.42: This regulation specifically addresses the situation of a deceased inventor. It allows the legal representative (executor or administrator of the estate) to make an application on behalf of the deceased inventor. Pre-AIA 37 CFR…

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What documentation is needed to prove authority as a legal representative for a deceased or incapacitated inventor?

What documentation is needed to prove authority as a legal representative for a deceased or incapacitated inventor? When filing a patent application on behalf of a deceased or legally incapacitated inventor, it’s crucial to provide documentation that proves your authority as a legal representative. The specific documentation required can vary based on the circumstances, but…

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What documentation is required for a legal representative to file a patent application for a deceased inventor?

What documentation is required for a legal representative to file a patent application for a deceased inventor? When filing a patent application for a deceased inventor, a legal representative must provide specific documentation to establish their authority. According to MPEP 409.01(a): “If an inventor is deceased or under legal incapacity, the legal representative of the…

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What documentation is required when filing a patent application for a deceased or legally incapacitated inventor?

What documentation is required when filing a patent application for a deceased or legally incapacitated inventor? When filing a patent application for a deceased or legally incapacitated inventor, specific documentation is required. According to MPEP 409.03(b), the following documentation is typically necessary: For deceased inventors: Death certificate of the inventor Letters Testamentary or Letters of…

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Can a patent be issued to a deceased inventor?

Yes, a patent can be issued to a deceased inventor. The MPEP 308 states: ‘A patent may be issued to the legal representative (executor, administrator, etc.) of a deceased inventor.’ In such cases, the patent is issued to the legal representative acting on behalf of the deceased inventor’s estate. This ensures that the inventor’s rights…

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What options are available for filing a patent application when an inventor is deceased or legally incapacitated?

For applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, if an inventor is deceased or legally incapacitated: The legal representative of the inventor may make the application for patent on behalf of the inventor. An assignee, obligated assignee, or person who otherwise shows sufficient proprietary interest may file the application as the applicant. As stated…

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What happens if an inventor becomes legally incapacitated during the patent application process?

What happens if an inventor becomes legally incapacitated during the patent application process? If an inventor becomes legally incapacitated during the patent application process, the application can still proceed. According to MPEP 409, ‘If an inventor is legally incapacitated, the legal representative of the inventor may make an application for patent on behalf of the…

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What documentation is required when an inventor dies during the patent application process?

What documentation is required when an inventor dies during the patent application process? When an inventor dies during the patent application process, specific documentation is required to continue the application. According to MPEP 409, the following documents are typically needed: A copy of the inventor’s death certificate Legal documentation showing the authority of the legal…

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