What should I do if the USPTO doesn’t receive my priority document through PDX in time?

If the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) doesn’t receive your priority document through the Priority Document Exchange (PDX) program within the specified time frame, you have options. According to MPEP 215.02(a): The Office appreciates that an applicant may discover that the Office will not receive a copy of a foreign application through the…

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Can the filing fee, oath or declaration, and claims be submitted after the initial filing of a nonprovisional application?

Yes, the filing fee, oath or declaration, and claims can be submitted after the initial filing of a nonprovisional application. However, there are specific rules and time limits for doing so: These items must be submitted within the period specified by the USPTO, usually in a Notice to File Missing Parts. A surcharge may be…

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Can the inventor’s oath or declaration be submitted after filing the patent application?

Can the inventor’s oath or declaration be submitted after filing the patent application? Yes, the inventor’s oath or declaration can be submitted after filing the patent application. The MPEP 602.01(a) states: “The inventor’s oath or declaration may be submitted after the application filing date. If the oath or declaration is filed after the application filing…

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