What is the significance of the ‘Fields Searched’ section in an International Search Report?

The ‘Fields Searched’ section in an International Search Report (ISR) is crucial as it indicates the scope and thoroughness of the international search. According to MPEP 1844: “The Search Report should list the classification identification of the fields searched.” This section typically includes: International Patent Classification (IPC) symbols Other classification systems used (e.g., CPC) Keywords…

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What are the main elements of an International Search Report?

The main elements of an International Search Report (ISR) include: Identification of the International Searching Authority (ISA) that established the report Application number Name of the applicant International filing date Classification of the subject matter Fields searched Citations and explanations Certain observations on unity of invention Name and mailing address of the ISA Date of…

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How are citations listed in an International Search Report?

Citations in an International Search Report (ISR) are listed according to specific guidelines. As stated in MPEP 1844: “The citation of documents should be in accordance with the Instructions to the International Search Report.” The citations are typically categorized as follows: Category X: Documents of particular relevance alone Category Y: Documents of particular relevance in…

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