How is inventorship determined in continuing applications filed on or after September 16, 2012?

For continuing applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, inventorship is determined as follows: If an application data sheet (ADS) is filed before or concurrently with the copy of the inventor’s oath or declaration from the earlier-filed application, the inventorship is specified in the ADS. If no ADS is filed before or concurrently with…

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How does the inventorship of a divisional application relate to the parent application?

The inventorship of a divisional application must include at least one inventor named in the parent application, but it doesn’t have to be identical. The MPEP states: The inventorship in the divisional application must include at least one inventor named in the prior-filed application, and the divisional application must claim the benefit of the prior-filed…

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How does inventorship in a continuing application work?

Inventorship in a continuing application depends on the type of continuing application and when it was filed. Key points: For applications filed on or after September 16, 2012, the inventorship is initially the inventor(s) named in the application data sheet For earlier applications, the inventorship carries over from the parent application In a continuation or…

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How does inventorship work in a CPA?

Inventorship in a Continued Prosecution Application (CPA) generally carries over from the prior application, but there are some important considerations: The inventive entity of the CPA is automatically the same as the prior application unless a statement is filed requesting deletion of inventors A statement requesting deletion of inventors must be filed with the CPA…

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